Industrial Separations Workshop – Fall 2020

Title, Date and Location


2nd CCAST Industrial Separations Workshop 2020


October 8th & 9th,  2020


Storrs, Connecticut


This Industrial Workshop will be an excellent opportunity to network with other companies across the spectrum of separations technology users and providers. It will include industry speakers discussing the importance and value propositions for new separations technologies. Discussion topics will include challenges or pain points that require new separations technologies, business opportunities for new separations technologies, how separation technologies affect your industry / business, innovations in separation technologies, and perspectives and trends on the separations field that can guide future R&D efforts.

Attendees at this workshop will be various stakeholders in separations technologies including end users, established providers, start-ups, technology accelerators, government influencers, public/private funding entities, researchers, experienced consultants/industry experts as well as technology integrators.

The vision for this workshop is to become a premier separations event which features extremely well curated talks with prominent speakers in the separations world where all the high quality attendees have sufficient time to both learn from and network with each other.