E-Mail: mayur.ostwal@uconn.edu
Role: Research Assistant Professor, Connecticut Center for Applied Separations Technologies (CCAST)
Mayur is an Assistant Research Professor at Connecticut Center for Applied Separations Technologies (CCAST). He has broad experience and interest in gas separation technologies, mainly, membrane technology and adsorption. He is also interested in novel materials such as graphene oxide, MOF’s and COF’s for their application in gas separations.
Mayur received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, US. After that he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Colorado School of Mines and University of Colorado, Boulder. He then moved to Saudi Arabia where he was a Research Scientist in the Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Before joining CCAST, he was a Scientist at Fraunhofer USA Center for Energy Innovation. He has published over 15 peer reviewed journal articles in the adsorption and membrane technology field along with one book chapter.
Mayur is leading CCAST efforts in evaluating efficacy of masks and filter media in accordance with NIOSH protocols.